Bee porn: The people turned on by bees

My assistant stumbled upon a subreddit called r/honeyfuckers where people who are aroused by bees share bee porn. I really wanted to find out what this was all about so I invited the group’s founder, Linz, onto the podcast tell me who likes it and why.

Before recording this podcast I had no idea what to expect. I try to do a short prep call before recording each podcast so I can meet the guests and check we get on well.

Before we spoke my mind went to some crazy places wondering what kind of person would like this and start a subreddit. But then I remembered how people often make a lot of assumptions about me because I’m a pornographer. It’s amazing how easy it is to forget that it’s real people behind the content we see online. Specially when it’s something out of the ordinary.

There’s this natural tendency to think that because I don’t do that then there must be something wrong or crazy about them. And that couldn’t be further from the truth. Linz is far more normal than I am, a really kind and interesting person. And easily one of the most thoughtful and intellectual people I’ve met for a long time.

Linz and I talked about every aspect of bee porn and why people are into it.

Why do people like bee porn?

Bee porn from the honeyfuckers
Image r/honeyfuckers

Linz got into bee porn thanks to the video game Final Fantasy VII in the 90s. In the game there’s a bee themed brothel where some fun, sexy and surreal moments happen.

She explained how most people tend to get their introduction to bee porn via some sexualised bee cartoon in childhood.

And that’s a big part of what bee porn is, simply different variations of hentai where people let their imaginations run wild. Something completely natural and healthy. It’s easy to understand why a sexualised drawing or animation of a bee with human characteristics can be sexy.

The more interesting part for me is is the bee porn that is more about nature. Think photos of bees or erotic images that include honey. I even saw a photo of a dick with honey on it and some bees sat on the head!

That’s the part that’s much more difficult to understand and took us into conversations about history, philosophy, other fetishes and even language. Since ancient times honey and bees have been associated with love and sex.

It makes a lot of sense when you think of the sexual imagery involved in pollination and how dependent we are on bees to survive. Without bees and other pollinators a lot of farming just wouldn’t work, we’d have no crops. They’re essential to our life. And traditionally honey was one of our main sources of sugar. It’s easy to see how all this bee sexuality can become celebrated and part of our culture.

Finally we get into the psychological aspect of this fetish. Although bees give us sweet honey and they support life on earth. They’re also kind of dangerous. They can sting!

People have always used fear and pain in BDSM and bees can give you both. Linz says there’s a meme about letting one bee into your bedroom when you have sex to spice things up and add an element of danger!

And of course we have all the sexual imagery around the stinger too. It’s phallic, there’s penetration and there’s also a kind of romantic notion of the bee dying after stinging (penetrating) you.

Is it ok to watch bee porn?

I got to see a lot of images from the honeyfuckers subreddit. I didn’t see anything there that was not ok. Some images push limits but you won’t see anything unethical. There’s an argument that if you are asking bees to sting you as part of you sex life that that is unethical, but I don’t really think anyone is doing that. Certainly not in this group.

People in the group have a love of bees that goes beyond the sexualised imagery. They actually care about bees!

My advice is to take a look at the group. Don’t be scared. At the very least you’re going to enjoy the memes and there are some stunning photos and genuinely talented artists active in the group. It’s worth browsing just for that aspect.

But who knows, maybe it will spark something and you might become a honey fucker too?

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